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Title I

CSS is a Title 1 school. Title I, Part A the cornerstone of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is the largest federal education program.  Its intent is to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach proficiency on challenging State academic content and performance standards.


Title I began with the passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, which provided federal funding for high-poverty schools to help students who are behind academically and at risk of falling behind. Services can include hiring teachers to reduce class size, tutoring, purchase of instructional equipment, materials and supplies, parental involvement activities, professional development, pre-kindergarten programs, and hiring teachers and paraprofessionals.


Schools considered Title I are those in which the identified student percentage (students directly certified) is at least 46.3% (or 74%) based on Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) guidelines. The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) replaced Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) as the measure of poverty for Title I purposes in 2015. 

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